environments of the future, towards an intelligent digitization

A theme, the environments of the future, which due to the pandemic has undergone an exponential acceleration. We would like to understand, through the evolution of the way of life and of the environments (see article from a year ago) that surround us, the solutions and needs of the digital users

Workplaces flexible and home automation, controlled by software able to improve the environmental conditions and facilitate the organization of work. Structures capable of accommodating more people who are strongly connected to each other thanks to the advances in technology. And again, a constantly changing space for i digital nomads.

Domestic environments which have welcomed actions and functions usually carried out externally: from work to sport, from the sale to the purchase of objects that are not only part of primary needs. From physical public/social meetings to webinars via virtual connection. 

The change will not be so much in form but in use


Even those who were not accustomed to buying online, today it has become so out of necessity. Rediscovering the value of time saved without moving. While adding the applications of theartificial intelligence and of virtual reality will offer in the future, the opportunity to have detailed information in any field and use. 

From an article by Mark up the fact remains that in Italy today, 1 out of 5 prefer to buy in store for the difficulties encountered in the eCommerce and, those few brands "which instead presented themselves as an efficient virtual alternative will certainly have gained share on a more stable basis". 


From these premises, we believe that the challenge of the future for PMI must be the continuous integration of one smart digitization aimed at improving more and more, the experience and skills of its brand in the name of tangibility and ofempathy

The value added it will be one digital communication more human and a more contemporary language. Get out of your own media comfort zone it can be a start towards this change.